Although there are differences between the effects of drugs and drinking on drivers, driving under the influence of either substance is considered a crime in Canada.
The Difference Between Drugged And Alcohol Impaired Driving
It took decades of research to establish a demonstrated clear dose-response relationship between alcohol and driving impairment, according to the Traffic Injury Research Foundation. The limit is based on the amount of alcohol that would affect anyone's ability to drive safely. This limit is used as the basis for Impaired Driving Charges and the main difference between drug and alcohol impaired drinking at this time.
When it comes to illegal and legal drugs, there is a lack of consensus regarding a limit or threshold that would mark the impairment of driving skills. That is because a clear dose- response relationship has yet to be established for the many types of impairing drugs. As a result, Drugged Driving Charges can be a little more difficult to prove or even defend.