An Employer's Survival Guide: The Great Resignation

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Employment Law

Employee retention is more important now than ever due to the “Great Resignation,” a term used to dub the ongoing trend in the United States whereby employees continue to resign from their jobs.1 While Canadian employers have not experienced the Great Resignation in the same numbers2, it is worthwhile to take a closer look at this trend. 

Various factors have been cited for the Great Resignation including low wages, rising costs of living, and health/safety concerns in the workplace due to COVID-19. However, among those repeatedly emphasized are job dissatisfaction and the desire to work for employers who prioritize work-life balance.3

In light of these findings, employers should consider how to retain current employees and familiarize themselves with their rights regarding employee resignation. 

Defining Wrongful Resignation

Wrongful resignation is essentially the employer’s counterpart of wrongful dismissal. The latter occurs where an employee claims that their employer failed to provide proper notice of dismissal or pay in lieu thereof. The former is invoked by employers where they claim the employee failed to provide them with reasonable notice of their intention to end their employment. 

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