
Insights and knowledge from our featured law firms

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Best Impaired Driving (DUI) Lawyers Toronto

Impaired Driving Defence: Trusted Legal Support You Can Count On When facing impaired driving charges,…

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Criminal Law

Best Criminal Lawyers in Brampton

Facing Criminal Charges in Brampton? Find the Right Legal Support When confronted with criminal charges,…

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Best Family Lawyers Toronto

When it comes to family law matters, securing the right legal support is essential for protecting your…

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Best Assault Defence Lawyers Toronto

When faced with assault charges, having the right legal support is essential to protect your rights and…

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Choosing a Criminal Defence Lawyer

When facing criminal charges in Ontario, the selection of a defence lawyer is a crucial decision that…

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Employment Law

Employers in Canada are not prepared to deal with sexualized allegations in the workplace, writes employment lawyer Muneeza Sheikh

Much of my practice as an employment lawyer deals with harassment in the workplace. Some of those cases…

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Criminal Law

Preparing To Testify On The Stand In Court

Individuals getting ready to testify as a witness in a Canadian court should be familiar with what is…

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Criminal Law

Explaining The Difference Between Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault

Understanding the legal difference between sexual harassment and sexual assault is important for victims,…

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Criminal Law

What's The Difference Between Murder & Manslaughter?

The distinction between murder and manslaughter can often get confused and the two carry very different…

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A Guide to Building Practice Landing Pages for Law Firms

A well-crafted practice landing page serves as a powerful tool to showcase your law firm's unique approach,…

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Criminal Law

What Is A Judicial Pre-Trial In Ontario?

Though it may be an instinct, it is a crime to lie to the police or mislead the court in Canada. In fact,…

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Unleashing the Power of Google Reviews: How Online Feedback Shapes Success for Canadian Lawyers

Welcome to the digital era, where online reviews reign supreme and have the power to help or hurt businesses,…

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Criminal Law

What Is Common Assault In Criminal Law?

The least serious of the three types of assault, common assault, is committed when an individual intentionally…

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Criminal Law

What You Need To Know About Absolute & Conditional Discharges In Canada

Hiring a criminal defence lawyer is the best way to get the most minimal penalty possible for the crimes…

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Employment Law

Employers Still Overzealous When It Comes To Firing ‘with Cause,’ Despite Potential Costs

You can walk any employee to the door for any or no reason at all, but you must pay for it

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Criminal Law

Is It Illegal To Lie In Court Or To The Police?

Though it may be an instinct, it is a crime to lie to the police or mislead the court in Canada. In fact,…

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Employment Law

Workplace Sexual Abuse Is All About Power

Judges view concept of consent in office relationships through a very skeptical lens

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Maximize Your Law Firm's SEO: A Starting Guide to Common and Not-So-Common Strategies

You're likely aware that SEO is a critical component of any law firm's digital marketing plan. It's what…

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Criminal Law

Excessive Force and Arrest - Protecting Your Rights

Excessive force by the police can be particularly concerning when individuals find themselves in the…

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Criminal Law

Peace Bonds In Ontario

Peace bonds in Canada are used to help the accused in a criminal case to avoid a criminal record and…